Saturday, December 18, 2010

DesIgN tHeoRy BlOg post nO: 7

A summary of the documentary, “The Genius of Design – part 5 –Objects of Desire.”

The revolutionary history of Macintouch and apple mac started in 1984 and is a dawn of a new age. Their purpose was to design an everyday object for the everyday people. One place for everything, a desktop with symbols and functions, making life easier.
The last part of this five episodes documentary is about how the world has change over the last 30 years, from 1970 till present. The design had changed focus over the last decades and the need for individual desire and the need to sell more has become an important fact in to days design world. Throughout this episode we get a closer look at the design and development of Marc Newson`s, Lockheed lounge, Juicy Salif, the Rover chair by Ron Arad, the Charon Bookcase, “the Memphis period” with the steel Kettle, Macintouch and computers, and at last we get as inside look at the mass production company IKEA. Marc Newson is a high profile modern designers. He started out designing in his backyard, buying one and one piece after he got the money for it. One of his most well known and also one of his first design furniture where the Lockheed lounge (1986). This chair is known to be one of the most desirable furniture in the world and were auctioned to the price of 950 000£. Marc Newson is also known for working towards issue with mass production and how to make this objects become as desirable and with the look of a handmade design object. The ultimate goal for every designer is mass production!The Rover chair by Ron Arad is a symbol of the post-war-design, changes in the design world were in the air. And the fashion capital Milan in Italy, showed the world an industrial and philosophical affaire with design.Charon Bookcase design by Ettore Sottsass in 1981. This bookcase was new, different and colorful and was a start of the, so called, Memphis period.´Memphis` symbolized the everything goes attitude and the end of the old modernism. To design a Memphis design, the designers have to be able to master the roles before break them!!In 1986 did the worlds most famous industrial designer Michael Graves successfully design a steel Kettle, mass production with charisma. The main base is steel, with a blue handle that symbols a cold area, a red bird is places so when the water is done it sings and gives the design a bitt of personality. The red symbols the hot area. 1 700 000 of this kettles have been sold.Back in the days paintings were the symbol of wealth and luxury, today design objects it the new trend!Juicy Salif was design by Philippe Starck in 1990. This is a design that is not Design after the famous saying, form follows function. It is not functional at all, but it has an interesting design and lets the user see how the juice goes down into the glass. Philippe Starcks are the most self-published designers in the history of the world.
IKEA a revolutionary retail store that sell flat packed furniture. People are saving money on IKEA s long lasting, sustainable, flat packed furniture. It is modernism that meet the `Memphis` for the price of peanuts. IKEA is the most successful, global furniture company of all time!
The history of industrial design is the story of capitalism of designing more for less!The main issue in to days design world is how to make design ecological and environment friendly. In 2008 did Clen Oliver Low design the ´Think chair´, which with its eco-friendly and non-toxic materials is a reproduction chair, since you can demolish every part of the chair, so called down-cycle the chair so it can be recycled. This is a part of the design process cradle to cradle.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

DEsign TheoRY BLogPOst No 6

Living throuhg chemstry!

Plastic - the big postWar material. Plastick is rock'N'roll

From war time industry to consumer market. Tupperwear was a genius designer, he designd plastic stuff to everyday use. Braun was a new brans to the market and came from shaver to radios. the firsl musicplayer came in the end of the 50's- Dieter who designed this music player thought that form should follow functions. 

Johnatan IVe is another GENIUS degsinger are behind the brand we know today as apple. 

Margaret calvert the designers of signs. you know them today as the signs that pop up in the traffic while your driving and gives u information on where to go and where to turn.

good design is fit for everybody- low cost 

 what does the market what? use the imagination and ---- instead of market analysis,

Verner panton. seven years of developing the s shair and finding the right material before it came out to the shops and the consumer market. single form products. The first chair with no legs. berner though is change were u sit would change how u looked at the world?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Design Theory BlogPST no 5

ASsignment OF THe WEek: GRoup ASsignment ABout ROcoco ANd A FAmous ARchitect FRom THat PEriode. HOpe U'Ll ENjoy THis

Thursday, December 2, 2010

THreat OF THe WEek No2 !!


THreat OF THe WEek, GEek!

HI EVerybody OUt THere!!!

I DO A LOt OF REsearch IN MY PRojects. MOstly TO GEt VItal INformation ANd JUmpstart MY IDeas FOr DEsign ANd DEvelopment. SO I THought SHareing IS CAring ; THerefore I GOt A NEw FEature IN MY BLog : THreat OF THe WEek, GEek!

ENjoy ALl YA'h LOveables! 

AN AMazing PAge WIth VArious INspration :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Design Theory Blog Post No.3 + 4 !!

LAst WEek IN DEsign THeory WE WAtched A MOvie IN THe CLass.. ACtually WE WAtched TWo.. THe FIrst ONe WAs "THe GEnius OF DEsign – THe GHost WIthin THe MAchine” ANd THe OTher ONe WAs "DEsign FOr LIving". SO I GUess YOu KNow WHat THis POst IS ALl ABout... A SUmmary OF TWo BRilliant MOvies THat EVryone WHo IS CReative ANd CReate STuff, LIke DEsign ANd ARchitecture, SHould WAtch.. 

suMMARY of " thE geNIUS of deSIGN - thE ghOST wiTHIN thE maCHINE"
WHat does it MEAN to be aDESIGNER?? The movie gave a historic summary of the designindustry from today and back to the start of Industrial revolution.  How man made things got replace with fabrication and mass-production and quantity before quality.
GOod DEsign IS HOnest DEsign! In the movie we met many designers and how their role was to create stuff that people need, even when they dont know they need it just by adding features of inventions. The Buyers today want choices, economic products and Quality - Simplicity -Innovative - Usefulness - Enviroment Friendly ETC. Designers today are always caught up with consumerism, global warming, capitalism – and how to make a life cycle of a product. Dieter Rams : "good design makes a product useful and that designers are not only inventors, but also engineers and artists. For designers, problems are made to be solved– something can Always get better". Henry Ford - A smaRt man Who ACCedently made the whole consumer market. In 1915 he designed the ford T model. The car that turned in to a must have for some people. After he had sold his carmodels he went back to the drawings to rethink and redraw his car and ended up with "a new model" wich also was a must have for some people and thats how it started, cause people wanted the newest and coolest on the market, also people that had a car from the year before and thats how it started. He made people that didnt want it - Want it by creating new models - comsumering - new -old - throw - new etc. the circle that makes a living for the designers.

suMMARY of "deSIGN foR liVING"
This movie was all about the design and Architecture from one of the most important periods in History : the 20's and 30's. Like all the others periods of history and design this periode made a big inpact on design and thinking and consuming - fashion - replace etc.   In 1919 a school/centre was built were people could think NEW. Today this centre of new thinking is better know as Bauhaus were they was bringing together groups of diseplins to see what could come out of this by DEsign. It was the new vision of the 20's. In the movie a vise man said that the Chair is the most difficult and challeing to design cause thats like a small piece of architecture! Unfurtuantly the Chairs designed in that periode was more like a decorative chair then a useable chair, since it's not verry comfy to sit in. The biggest enemy to "BAuhaus" was ARt NOveu also known as a german expression :  JUgend! This style was a decorative design and architecture style with alot of curves, ornaments, overdecoration and no symmetry and A BIG CONTRAST to the bauhaus "style" Other Important things that were shown in this little movie was the birth of todays modern kitchen wich started as a massproduced kitchen that was cold and had a feeling of factory. some people from that time also connected the kitchen to ailiens. Based on this fitted kitchen with system and organised cooking the famous Architect le corbusier Design a house with smart solution, witch today, looks like a modern ikea home. le corbusier was a systematick freak had a vision of everybody should live small tiny and easy. He wanted to "clean up the messy Architecture" existing. Other Important design from that periode is the ergonomic moveable desk lamp wich was just more like a accident than an design attempt. COOl! it just happend and the reason for that is: when your doing or designing or not, when you come to a certain point and things just look right you know they ARE!

In this periode of time there was a diffrence between european designers and american designer. American designed to sell and did not concered to much of the user like the european guys. An American Designer started to look at the users with new eyes and ears and the designing in america changed-- BAsicALLY: When you make something, make it relevant for people- Design IS IMPortANT. The relationship between People and Things is ImporTAnt. Look at the people and see how they use it. The verdict of DESIGN TODAY lies in the hands of the USERS! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DEsigNTHeoryBLogPOst No 2

How do we talk about design?

Every week our teacher post a question on her blog that we have to answer. This week the assginment was to  post pictures that illustrates the design prinicipals and elements. Here my pictures that I have choosen  whit short information of what it illustrates and why.



1: for me this picture illustrate shapes, value. 2: this picture illuatrates lines (you see them diving the floors) emphasis, proportion  and unity.
3: this picture for me illustrates colors, cause the diffrent colors are used in diffrent areas to incicate someting and are and contrast to the floors and the walls. 4: This picture illustrates moveable lines, rythm, textures and rythm. you can see shapes that are repeated in the shelving system. 5: this illustrates space.
Ps. with pictures i means the object in the picture like buildings, interior and architectural features.

latest work in the Cad lab

Just returned after an awsome studyweek, which have been a eventful week. Before studyweek we had a little workingsession in the cadlab. Our teacher gave us the apartment so we added materials on floors walls and the chimey. Then we built a bookshelf and imported furnitures and accesories. The result you can see on this pictures before and after photoshop :) Tuudles...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

DEsiGN THeoRY BLogPOst 1 :The big Q of the week : Ideology...

Ideology: the branch of philosophy or psychology dealing with the origin and nature of ideas.
It typically pertains to a system of ideas or a way of thinking pertaining to a class or individual, especially as a basis of some theory or system, regarded as justifying actions and to be maintained irrespective of events.

So what was my Ideology behind the projct in Dolphins Barn?

When the buildings in Dolphins barn still were young, they were nice and new, but along the way to precent day they faded away in the background.  My concept for the Dolphins Barn Project was boxes "that came out or exploded out" from the building. First thought behind it was to make the building more Noticeable, that people could see something was happening with it. Chosen material to the boxes was glass, to make them more intresting and to mak people curious on what was going on. Second thought behind it was that each box symbolized each person living inside the box was their own induvidual that wanted to come out as a stronger person. So in the end small boxes came to gether and ended up as a big box.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I've just been in col 3 weeks and the first project is allready done and presented. The deal was to redesign som old apartment here in Dublin. The apartment is located in Dolphins Barn with not the greatest architectural features. We re-designed 4 apartment to a big comfy one. My concept is based on boxes and here is my work...

...The Virgin Post...

So I guess this is my first post... Im not here to post wierd comments on how amazing my day has been or what my latest worldproblem is. This blog is simply to show off what I do in college as i study Interior Architecture.. Im gonna put out a few Pictures and some short notes and hopfully you wont be to bored going thorugh this...... Have a nice one!    Cheers:)